How Cable and Wire Harnesses are Used in Medical Devices

In today’s world, technology plays a role in virtually every aspect of our lives, and is an integral part of just about every industry’s day-to-day operations. The field of medicine is certainly no exception, with numerous electrical devices working each day to give doctors and nurses the vital data they need to make critical decisions about a patient’s care.

While the uses and functionality of these electrical medical devices vary significantly, they all have one thing in common: the use of cable and wiring harnesses in their assembly. To appreciate the many ways electrical devices help people in the medical field do their jobs better than ever before in history, it’s important to first understand the role wire harnesses play in delivering this crucial real-time information to the people who need to see it. Here are just some of the applications of cable and wiring harnesses within the medical industry.

Power Switches

From complex CT scanning equipment to a call button for a patient to ask for help from a nurse, every electrical device in a modern hospital has an on/off switch. Because all electrical devices depend on the efficient transfer of electricity to work, it is essential that the wires and cables that conduct this electricity are connected correctly at all times. The use of wire harnesses in medical electrical devices helps maintain this functionality.

X-Ray Machines

Dating all the way back to 1895, X-ray technology has revolutionized medicine by giving physicians a look inside the patient. As the use of X-rays became more and more common in the 20th century, doctors were able to more easily diagnose a variety of issues ranging from broken bones to tumors. Because they are used to aid diagnosis of just about every ailment, the individual pieces of equipment are put under constant stress, making the need for additional protection vital to their continued operation. The use of an electrical wire harness in X-ray equipment provides this protection, keeping wires and cables safe from harm due to normal wear and tear.

Portable Equipment

From EKG monitors to defibrillator units, doctors and nurses rely on a number of portable electrical devices that are designed to be wheeled from room to room as needed. However, this opens the devices up to a lot of potential damage during transportation, which can affect connectivity. The use of wire harnesses in portable medical equipment helps shield wires and cables from additional stress and harm due to frequent transit, allowing physicians and medical staff to care for patients more efficiently and diagnose them more effectively.

Have a Custom Wire Harness Assembly Manufactured

Wire harnesses give electrical devices an added layer of protection that can help maintain proper functionality. In the case of medical electrical devices, this protection could literally be the difference between life and death! Understanding the role a custom manufactured cable and wiring harness can play in medicine can help us all to develop a deeper appreciation of just how important they are to electrical assembly.