Why it Makes Sense to Work with an American Manufacturer of Wiring Harnesses

In order to minimize expenses and maximize profits, many companies resort to “offshoring.” Offshoring is when a business, like a wiring harness manufacturer, moves some or all of its operations overseas, to locations where labor and other expenses are much lower than they are in the U.S. This is to the company’s advantage, but of course it hurts American workers by decreasing their job opportunities. In some cases, these companies will later do what is called “reshoring,” or in other words, they bring their operations back to our country. However, according to studies cited by Forbes, U.S. manufacturers are not Read More

Supplier Relationships: Key to Customer Satisfaction

One of the many reasons that our customers retain us to manufacture wire and cable harness assemblies, battery packs, and box builds is our supplier network. We have relationships with suppliers worldwide to allow us to source components from common wire to specialized connectors. The combined customer requirements for raw materials translates to our ability to place larger orders with our suppliers which culminate in volume discounts—savings which we pass along to our individual customers. We have relationships with suppliers who specialize in primary components including batteries, wire, cables, and connectors, as well as suppliers who specialize in miscellaneous raw Read More